WNY Plastic Surgery: Andrew P. Giacobbe, MD, FACS
7 Hopkins Road
Williamsville, NY 14221
Phone: (716) 634-5555
Locations Hours: Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Mommy Makeover Before & After Case 18

Before & After
Case Details
This WNY mom first came to Dr. Giacobbe for a consultation about her abdomen when she was in her early 40s. She didn't like her sagging and loose skin.
For her surgery, Dr. Giacobbe removed extra abdominal skin and some fat during her tummy tuck procedure. He tightened her muscles and placed two drains to help prevent fluid collection. The drains were removed during one of her post-op visits.
The results of her surgery were great giving her the flat contour she desired.
After five years, she decided to come back again. She was unhappy with her small breasts and also complained of having some extra fat in her flank areas that did not go away with diet and exercise.
Her breasts were round, dense and approximately a "B" cup in size.
During her consultation and pre-op visits at our Williamsville office, she decided on Allergan brand smooth, round silicone gel-filled implants.
During her second surgery, Dr. Giacobbe placed her implants above the muscle through an inframammary fold incision. He then performed suction assisted lipectomy (liposuction) and removed approximately 350 mL of fat from each flank area.
The patient was very happy with the results of her most recent surgery as well.
This patient's post-op photos were taken 5 years after her tummy tuck and 6 weeks after her breast augmentation and liposuction.
Procedures Performed
Provider: Andrew P. Giacobbe, MD, FACS
About This Patient
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.